
i do work.

like i said in my previous post, i got a new job.
and i can give a big thanks and shout out to maren for it!
i had to quit solase because they were closing mondays
which made it so i wouldn't be able to get enough hours.
which i was totally sad about. i loved working there.

but thats ok cause i landed a job over at an orthodontic office.
i'm becoming the new receptionist.
and maren is training me.
its great fun.
its fun being able to see her all the time now.

big toothbrush.


  1. Hahaha love the picture! And I LOVE that I get to work with you!

  2. Cameron might like the money from this job more but I liked your old job when I could get high off the oxygen bar by mixing all the different scents

  3. Hey, I like this regular posting thing you've got going. By the way, the color of that toothbrush looks good on you!! :)

  4. I'm so happy you are (maybe) going to blog regularly. :) I have missed you.
    and I'm sad you had to quit a job you loved, but I love that your new job has giant toothbrushes.
