
so much news. so little space.

alright, yeah i know this space is probably unlimited.
but lets be honest, im no good at thinking of titles.
and.. this post is gonna be long.
so deal with it.
oh and im apologizing beforehand for the overload of pictures.

this past weekend was SO great.
my fam ditched o-town and headed up to park city for the night.
we stopped at the city park and had ourselves a lovely picnic.
we got to our hotel.
checked in.
and obvv hit up the pool first thing.
its how we do.
swimming=50% of my life. not even kidding.

we hit up davanzas for dinner.
that place has like a gazillion beer cans on the wall
not exaggerating ^
it was pretty delish.

we took ourselves some family photos. 
now, for any of you that havent seen our old family photo, i am sorry.
because anyone who ever looks at it gets a kick out of it.
its just that good.
cause we are that good at being photogenic.
sense the sarcasm people.

pretty sure this session of family pictures went just as well as the last one.
lets get things straight here people.
my family does not know how to take a picture.
now this isn't one of the actual pictures meant for family pictures.
but its a picture of the fam.
too bad taylor cant keep his eyes open.

after pictures.
guess what we did....
we went swimming!

and then we crashed. 
and fell asleep watching movies.

and guess what we did when we woke up.
we went swimming again!
never ever ever ever gets old.
i swear.

we hit up the outlets that day.
i love the outlets.
so much.
and after the outlets we went on the alpine slide and the alpine coaster.

they are both sooo awesome. you dont even know.
unless you've been. then you'd know.
it was a saturday.
so the line was a million people long.
but totes worth the wait.

booy was that a good little vaca. 

and guess what people.
i love her.
<--------------------------------------- this much + some ---------------------------------------------->
we had a lovely family get together.

it consisted of food. obvv.
and a good game of catch phrase.
which is even a better game when grandpa & grandma are playing.
since when was eddie murphey a famous baseball player gramps?
oh, and pie & ice cream.
and bustin out the old record player.
didnt know grandma was such a good dancer.

happy birthday candy and craigy.

miss you craig!
see you in 1 year-ish.

by far, the best picture of us 3.

alright alright, i will stop the ramblin.
thank you if you've made it this far.


  1. 'Twas an amazingly fun weekend!!

  2. Oh boy was that long.......but oh boy was it good! love the pics now i can see in more detail all the fun you had in PC! and i love the pic with your hair on top you should do it like that more often!

  3. Ah! That sounds like a blast! I so wanna do that alpine coaster someday! And your family picture is adorable right next to that sign!
