

tanner has abandoned me this week for scout camp.
but he gets back tomorrow. 
so don't worry, it's all good.
i dont think i could ever get sick of him.
if i ever get married, i want a husband like him.

on sunday i ditched my ward and went to candys ward.
i'll probably just go to that ward from now on even though im not supposed to.
don't care.

that night we had a special family get together for grandmas birthday.
even when my whole family is together, i still just hang out with candy. obvv.

monday we went to the zoo.
i havent been there in a long time before then.
it was so great.
i loved it.

yesterday we went to the days of '47 rodeo.
now that was fun!
we wore pink.
and we didnt even know we were supposed to.
so we fit right in.

they basically torture the baby cows.
how would you feel trying to run away from someone,
and they catch you with a rope around the neck and then smack you to the ground,
and tie all of your limbs together,
then maybe drag you a little.
i felt bad for the poor things.
i guess they like it?
yeah, im not believin it.

then these sweet motorcycle guys came out and showed us what they got.
it was pretty intense.
dont mind the blurriness. 

and today i've been swimming.
like all day.
are you shocked?
i will answer for you.


  1. I missed my sisters when they left me for trek. But you and your boy are sure cute. :)

  2. hahah I love us together 24/7. well more like 5/7 now that you're practically married. CALL ME now.
